Covid-19 Studio Precautions

At Miss Z Photography studios, the health and safety of our clients and staff have always been the most important thing.   So we have always kept a very clean and sanitized studio.   However with this new pandemic, and the re-opening of our studio nearing, we have instituted an even more stringent cleaning and disinfecting regiment. We have also come up with a  list of precautions to ensure that every single person coming into our studio remains healthy and safe.   

This list of precautions is a fluid list – meaning that it will most likely evolve over time as we learn the needs of the studio once we have  re-opened and as the experts learn more about the virus.   

These guidelines are based both on CDC recommendations, and recommendations from the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) association.    

We ask in advance for your understanding while we enforce our precautions – some of which may be a little uncomfortable and/or inconvenient.  However, we deal with the most delicate population – pregnant moms, newborns (some premature) and children and families with compromised immune systems.  You will also notice that our studio won’t look quite as inviting and pretty as it did before, but we will make sure that you are as comfortable as possible during your session. 

We thank you in advance for understanding and cooperating with us.  

Please note that IF you need to reschedule a session due to illness (or because you’ve been around someone who has been ill, or if we check your temperature and it registers high), you will NOT lose your reservation fee – we will just reschedule to a time when everyone is sure that they are healthy. 

After reading the below guidelines (please click on the links to to open the PDFs), please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.    We can be reached at: and we usually respond to all emails within 48 hours.  

New Studio Session Precautions

New Outdoor Session Health and Safety Precautions


Miss_Z_HeadshotAbrah, aka “Miss Z”, aka “The Baby Whisperer”, is a multi award winning and internationally published maternity, newborn, baby, child and family photographer. She offers business heads shots and teaches DSLR camera classes, photography editing classes and private photography lessons, as well. She’s always up to photographing pets – whether with their human families or by themselves. Her clients come to her from all over New England including Boston, Providence, Cape Cod as well as all over the Southcoast – New Bedford, Dartmouth, Acushnet, Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, Rochester, Marion, Middleboro, Wareham, Westport, Fall River, Somerset, Swansea, Berkley, Freetown, Taunton, Raynham and beyond. When she’s not capturing gorgeous images for her clients, she’s enjoying chasing after her two daughters and tabby cats, Sunny and Stormy. Abrah also enjoys listening to and dancing to 70’s and 80’s music and running (slowly) 5Ks.